Cyrillic version of the site


The author guarantees full support for programs of a series "PLUS", including free-of-charge updating of versions of programs for the registered users.

Ask questions (at the Forum or on E-mail), state the wishes on work with programs - they will be taken into account!

I bring answers on most frequently asked questions below:

Frequently asked questions  (FAQ)  

1. I would like to learn in what a difference between the standard, professional version, and also that such a full package

In the standard program, as against a demo, restriction on time of calculation is switched - off and the mode of self-training is activated. In professional in additives to this modes of the analysis are active. Into a full package except for professional .версии programs enters and the expanded (professional) version of library of debuts (about 25 000 positions).

2. Earlier I had a registered version програмы, but here after deenergizing a feed she became a demo. What can I do?

Most likely has taken corrupted index of a database. It is necessary to restore a correctness of a file of a database. For this purpose it is necessary to start file Plu600_repaire.bat - this file is a part of an install package. Or simply to start Plus program with a key/R - that is to execute command Plus600.exe/R. It can borrow till 10 minutes of time, but to interrupt process of restoration it is impossible.

3. At me a computer. 96 Mb of the RAM. Places will suffice?

Yes, 96 Mb quite will suffice. The program "PLUS" has enough 64 Mb of the RAM. Unique exception is a support 8-th figured endgames database - it is nessasary to have 256Мб the RAM and file system NTFS with 5 Gb free memory at hard disk

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